Tuesday, April 25, 2006

SBAHackGateWatch Day 7: This shit is DUNZO! (Thank g*d, cause if we had made it to "SBAHackGateWatch: double digits" I would have been PISSED...)

I hope now we can put this whole event behind us, and maybe read an outline or two before next week. It certainly took long enough, but sometimes the road to freedom is long and arduous. (I also learned this lesson a few weeks ago in Boston trying to walk along that red line from Faneuil Hall to my friend's apt). In the end though, it looks like the smear campaigns worked, but nobody said F.U. politics was pretty.

From: SBA
To: SBA@law.[f.u.law].edu
CC: Nitza E, William T, Michael S
Date: Tuesday - April 25, 2006 5:37 PM
Subject: SBA Congratulates the NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD!!!

The SBA would like to CONGRATULATE the following students for being elected to the 2006-2007 SBA Executive Board:

President - Sean H
Vice President - Morgan H
Evening Vice President - Kate H
Treasurer - Andrew H
Secretary - Valerie B

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote...

Twice (or in some cases, three or four times).


Anonymous said...

i cant belive we go to a law school where there are actual smear campaigns in a student election...classy group of students

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder..we will be having K class all through the month of May and June

Anonymous said...

Property Exam, Question 3 - 5,000 points (note: if you even mention adverse possession I will hunt you down and kill you)
Please explain how the Freedom Trail creates an easement throughout the city of Boston and why you cannot adversely posses it...in a nutshell...