NH's favorite part is the "imprint in the sand" imagry. Mine is the fact that Dean T acknowledges that not only is this gift special, it is VERY SPECIAL.
Dear [F.U.] Law School Students,
As we quickly approach the end of the semester, I would like to wish you all a productive and restorative summer. To speed you on your way, I have a gift for you: A VERY SPECIAL, ONE-TIME-ONLY, LIMITED EDITION, PAIR OF [F.U.] LAW SCHOOL FLIP FLOPS!
The flip flops will be distributed in the Law School cafeteria on Wednesday, April 26, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and from 5:30 to 7:00 pm, and on Thursday, April 27, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please stop by with your [F.U.] Law ID to pick yours up. Special thanks are due to Lauren T, who located the vendor who produced these very fine articles of footwear.
If you should find yourself on a beach at any point in the months ahead, please make sure that the [F.U.] Law imprint is stamped deeply and repeatedly into the sand. You will be doing your part to help spread the [F.U.] Law name. I would, of course, particularly appreciate it if you wear [F.U] Law flip flops as you wear your [F.U.] Law centennial hat.
Have a terrific summer!
Dean T
let's take what we can get, people. gala + flops in 1 year = A LOT for fordham. beggers can't be choosers.
and this couldnt spend this money on air conditioning....
i hate flip-flops
I heard they are made by "Michael Kors for Fordahm Law"
they are teh fugliest things ever!
they smell.
they are not ugly! they are cute!! what did anyone expect. no more cooltobesaracastic please.
who is m?
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