Yesterday, JF, ER and I were in a classroom doing a practice exam when in walked a tour of F.U. Law hopefuls. The tour guide sat them all down in the room and they started to ask us questions about what we thought about F.U. Law. Rather than letting ourselves throw things at them and lashing out about the LibraryHeatWave and the stupid Rule 19 checklist and how screwed we are, we said that "we really like the people," and "Dean T is great." JF was even wearing her F.U. Law flip-flops and managed to lift her foot on the table to show them despite her sciatic injuries and not having done
CFC in weeks. I really had to work hard to not blurt out "STAY IN COLLEGE AS LONG AS YOU CAN!!!!!!" or "MOVE TO BRAZIL AND TEACH NAKED YOGA INSTEAD!!!!!"
Then the children thanked us and went along their way...leaving us to carry on as they probably went "running" or "shopping" or "out for a movie," things we have put in the time capsule for a later date. But we took some joy in knowing that in about a year, they too will be wearing sweatpants, saying no to e-vites, and flipping through gilberts to try and find something to put down on paper 5 days before the final.
The yoga is no longer naked...just in Portuguese.
Bon chance with finals!
And that Brazilian yoga, I hear, doesn't come with David Blaine in a snow globe.
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