Thursday, April 27, 2006

F-Dubbs' Flip Flop Fever!

Sorry I couldn't post these fabulous flip-flop fotos earlier, but here they are, especially for our non-F.U. Law friends to see what they are missing! Also sorry we couldn't get any pics of people actually wearing them, but obvi no one has had time for a pedi, so everyone was too embarrassed to put them on....

Dean T personally overseeing the fun!

Mayhem quickly ensues....

Still fresh...Were these designed by Paul Smith?

They go great with Con Law!

They weren't joking about the imprints in the sand!
It's just like that story about g*d carrying you
and so there were only one set of footprints....
Now those prints will say F.U.!!!


Anonymous said...

i was just in ken prokowski's office discussing exam securexam problems (of course) and he had fishwatch2006 open on his desktop. you are famous

Anonymous said...

hmmm, law school looks an awful lot like bronx science.

emily said...

i love the implication that g-d will be wearing f.u. flip flops