Days of Our Lives was really good yesterday. I haven't really watched the show in 3 years, but it's nice to know that the Sammy-Austin-Lucas love and marriage triangle is still going on, at least I have that stability in my life. I also went through the three months of mail pile in my bedroom, which revealed a lot of angry letters from Cingular wireless, including some from a "collection agency." The sad part is, the amount in controversy is only $1.75, which seems like less than what the collection agent spends on the Starbucks he buys while he is waiting for me to come home. I also practiced my French (Je voudrais chevre svp) at the French cafe in my soon to be ex-neighborhood, spent about an hour on the phone with Applecare, found out that I need my laptop for work next Tuesday, which means I will probably get fired, went to dinner, and then re-organized my CD collection and listened to old hits like Arrested Development (Mr. Wendel, yeah yeah) and En Vogue (Free Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow).
All in all, a very productive day, except for the fact that I have not really started this thing we call the "Writing Competition." The big manila envelope sits anxiously on my desk, my number (24601) looking me down and singing to me all day long about my enslavement to the Bluebook. I want to write it, I really do, but I simply don't think I have it in me. Do you think if I just print out all these posts and add some endnotes, it would count?
Anyway, tonight is dinner at my sister's and maybe I'll work on doing some damage to my netflix queue...and then maybe after The Notebook I'll get started, will keep you posted. But right now I have to go...I have to make lunch before "Days" starts at 1.
I too continue to trick myself into thinking I'm actually going to do this damn note. Someone put me out of my misery please.
I am still not done reading though this collection of senceless BS. I should be done some time tomorrow. It should nto take me more than a day to write this thing, right?
im hadning in US weekly and an note on Linny Lo, i think the entertainment journal will def want me
I just want to let you know that this blog not only consoles the deprived souls of FU, but also touches the hearts of fellow suicidals in other law schools.
It's funny how we have so many things in common.
For instance, i think most of us are still trying to figure out what really is the difference between "see, see e.g., see generally, and see also."
Isn't it obvious?! There is no difference! They are just screwing with us!
I want to know what asshole came up with this Bluebook? What is the point of making sure that four digits in a row do not have a comma when the rest of the free world uses a comma?! Why is that necessary? Also, did you notice that there are specific books that have specific cites, like the Bible, works by Shakespeare and oh yeah, the Bluebook notes itself in that section as well. Complete douche bags wrote this thing just to torture us.
26 hours to go and i just started writing. hahaha this sucks.
Somebody, put me out of my misery!
See discussion infra.
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