F.U. Student 1: OMG, were you in the library yesterday morning?
F.U. Student 2: No, I wasn't but I heard all about it.
F.U. Student 1: Wow, you totally should have seen her, it was amazing. Can't believe you weren't there.
F.U. Student 2: I know, this is just like 9/11 when I was in the Hamptons and missed the whole thing.
I think there should be some sort of 3rd party intervenor action-- she needs to be out of here. It's disgusting that all she gets is her library privileges revoked for the semester (what is that? a few more days?). She should have been barred from taking her exams... until after she's been through stress management and general de-princessitazation therapy...
I completely agree she should be banned for next semester -as well - thats assault and battery my friend. I guarnatee had it happened the otherway around - there would be a bigger fuss.
I doubt you need to worry about library privileges for next semester: this is the sort of thing people transfer over. Forever being known as "coffee girl" isn't as bad as being known as "finger cuffs" ... but I bet it's still painful.
I think it's cause for non-admittance to the bar. If she acts that way now, imagine how she'll treat anyone else "beneath" her once she gets esq. added to the end of her name... she's only adding to the shit that gives lawyers a bad rep.
Perhaps you should spend more time focusing on yourself and less time focusing on other people. I am disgusted that people have made a mockery of this poor girl. I know that I have wanted to throw my food/drink at the librarians when they have given me a hard time, she just did what many of us have wanted to do but did not have the guts to do.
i'm spending time focusing on other people because her actions are reflective of the students at this school, and the way this school deals with her actions reflect how the school puts up with intolerance. i highly doubt that "many of us" want to take out our frustrations by harrassing others who are merely doing their job. "poor girl"? hardly poor girl. try: girl with privilige and no self control.
I'm the first one to laugh at this, and sign me up for a tshirt, but this blog is fanning flames from an exceedingly small fire. "Coffee girl" lays low in class, is super sweet, and doesn't deserve to be maligned by anyone named "anonymous." So you wanna talk s@#t? Do her and us the favor of supplying your name. Otherwise shut up, smuggle your food tactfully, and get back to work.
I totally second commenter two(?) above me -- it was funny for like a day. But, honestly, what she did was probably less a function of "privledge" or "snobbiness" rather than frustration and stress. No excuse, obviviously - but cut the girl some slack. I mean, linking to her friendster profile and laughing about getting kicked out of law school? COME ON. She's a person too - and a rather kind and nice one at that.
I'm sorry, she's trying to earn a professional degree, which requires adhering to at least a certain sense of common decency.
This is graduate school, we are adults. The way she treated the librarian was uncalled for. We are all stressed but that does NOT give anyone (1L or otherwise) carte blanche to act like a child.
I am not arguing that we must remain serious and professional at all times, I am simply saying that there is a line and she crossed it. Not only did she assault the librarian, but she ruined the concentration of almost everyone in the library that morning, many that needed that precious time to concentrate for an exam later that day. In fact, her wailing could be heard all the way up on stack 6.
It was quite early in the morning when this happened, she easily could have gone down to the empty cafeteria to study / read until she finished her coffee. Cutting her any slack would be putting our imprimatur on her actions, something I would think many of us do not want to do.
Your Name?
big people words!
alright, call off your policy argument hounds... putting our IMPRIMATUR on her actions? wow. anybody got any coffee to throw at professor anyonymous? nice use of bold on the word "assault"...though i could've used an MPC or restatement cite. i'll only give you a point for spotting the issue.
she's a nice girl, she was frustrated and made a big mistake that i'm sure she regrets and of which she is probably still in disbelief. just because we can use big words doesn't mean that we aren't all still acting like gossipy brats in high school. chuckle at it, shake your head, but don't argue that she should be thrown out of school or her career should be derailed. best of luck on the remainder of your exams, hopefully the "incident" in question hasn't totally ruined your studying capability.
I agree that some are being a bit harsh (myself included). I was all for participating in the coffee girl gossip before but I think we've gone a bit too far. Like someone already said: isn't the fact that she can't use the library, and will forever be branded as coffee girl enough? Writing a paper for any upper level class is going to be pretty tough without at least some library access, and most people know who she is by now so the gossip and finger pointing will still continue. No library access for a law student (especially a 1L) is pretty severe, even if you're someone like me who almost is never in the library (at least during the school year). As you can see, she's already being "punished" for her actions.
Yes, it was annoying and frustrating at the time, I was studying in the library as well. And I also was into the gossip as to who she was and what she looked like, but asking her to get expelled or unable to take the bar is too harsh of a punishment. I've heard of at least a few partners at reputable law firms here in the city that unfortunately feel the need to throw staplers (or other office paraphenalia) at people when they are angered or stressed. Such is the profession we are about to enter.
I'm not saying that stress should excuse her behavior. I still think it was wrong of her to act that way but I'm sure by now she realizes so, and as long as she has *sincerely* apologized to the librarian, I'm okay with it (I'm almost inclined to say she should apologize to those who were in the library at the time as well but that may also be a bit too much).
Although, perhaps if someone knows her personally they should encourage her to take a yoga class or find some other way to de-stress so she won't result to similar actions in the future :)
With all of that being said, I still think it was a hilarious incident, and there is no doubt that, with the way things are going right now, we'll have plenty of material for Follies next year :)
10:21 it's obvious you're an idiot and a friend of coffee...I hope she's outa here
Hey 10:21 is that you? could it be coffee girl herself?
stress is a sad excuse - lots of people are stressed - most people dont curse out the nearest person and throw coffee at them - she could have had her coffee in a protective container - she decided to waltz in with an open container - smuggle it in or cap like everyone else - people shouldnt use stress as an excuse to cover for bad behavior - EVERYONE is STRESSED! but I am sure she regrets it - but I pity the underlings who will have to work with her - when she gets STRESSED AGAIN at a law firm -
I feel bad for her- I think she should stay at school- she couldn't handle it, she'll get over it and work thorugh it and become a lawyer.
Yeah peeps are gonna gossip- duh! I mean, I saw one FU student throw liquor at a partner at a firm event, but no one noticed because they were all totes shitfaced themselves- some chick got into a fistfight after the gala- i mean, they're all still around schlurfing their red bull in the libs-
This blog should blog about it.
SHe should not be thrown out of law school.
We should all laugh about it.
She shouldn't transfer
and so fucking what- the rule is asstarded anyway- water ruins computers too.
3:14 - starbucks/dunks iced coffee comes with a lid, dumbass.
10:32 can fan my flames any day.
6:04 pm - hey dumbass - the point is she could have had coffee in the library - had she just brought it in the right container - the signs are every where - or she could have smuggled it in like everyone else - no i dont think she should transfer or get kicked out - but she did humiliate herself. so thats hard to awallow for anyone.
I can't believe people are actually defending this girl because she was "stressed". Can't believe it. Wanting to see her punished isn't coming out of any vindictive schadenfreude; it's wanting to see the school send a message that law students and future lawyers are supposed to behave like ADULTS. Good grief.
And what if she had thrown coffee at the dean and cursed him out? Do you think they would have let that slide?
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