Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We interrupt CrunchTime to bring you this important BDP update...

FULL ON BDP (Brokedown Palace) in the libes just now. Here is what we know:

A girl tried to enter the library with a plastic cup of iced coffee. The librarian told her she couldn't bring it in, and she started yelling and saying "GET THE F- OUT OF MY FACE." Some words were exchanged, she somehow made it to her seat and then threw the coffee at the librarian and onto the floor. Then she sat down as if nothing happened, outlining away. Well S3 was abuzz, security was called, and last I heard she was escorted out of there. I also just heard clapping of some sort, maybe she came back and took a bow? The ice cubes, coffee and lid are still by her seat on S3 for any people wanting to see. It's times like these you regret not bringing your digicam to school.


Anonymous said...

i would like to fill in some details:

there is a big yellow caution sign above the ice now. she is back in her seat IMing away. apparently, she got off with the defense "i am stressed." the librarians are PISSED becuase they claim that there is a limit to stress.

also, i thought she made an interesting argument. she defends her actions by screaming/crying: "yesterday, i smuggled in a smoothie [in my pink tote] and it got all over everything. i am NOT smuggling anything ever again."

some people are worried that this will start random bag checks in the library.

Anonymous said...

she spoke in her defense:

"I have a clean record… to be ruined by this…"
"I've never even been to the deans office in high-school" -- do high-schools have deans?

and my favorite,

"I'll pay for his dry cleaning…"

Anonymous said...

either this girl is normally a really loud typer or she's having a stressful day...either way i wish she would stop typing so's people sipping iced coffees in the library...GO LIBRARIANS!

Anonymous said...

This caused quite a commotion on S#. People were laughing, clapping, yelling “kick her out”! The fun however was interrupted by one of the bleeding-hearts, who started yelling at everybody “Stop it! The girl is stressed! Leave her alone!” Her angry yelling almost interrupted the festivities. Although the fun continued, when the girl’s hysterical crying perforated the halls of the library. It is all quiet now and kind of boring. But this was, by far, the most exciting day!

Anonymous said...

Great! Now she is sobbing loudly!

Anonymous said...

The nerve of someone to be mad at people for looking and laughing. If you don't wanna get laughed at, don't make a spectacle of yourself at the library.

I can full on see getting really upset and melting down a little bit. But after you throw the coffee, pull it together. There is no way you could have thought that was an okay thing to do. At that point she should have apologized and ended it. But she has no sense of damage control, so it continued. That's the point where I have no sympathy. The princess obviously has no concept that she can ever be wrong about anything. So if she continues to make a scene, she deserves the embarassment.

Anonymous said...

Book idea: Top 50 Finals week library melt downs in law school...instant classic

Anonymous said...

I think you should interview her.

Anonymous said...

another fun memory from this morning: sorority girl with coffee kept repeating and screaming over and over to the librarian who was nicely suggeting she take her coffee out of the library "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, [mr. librarian]?"

this morning i got to thinking...when you quesiton someone else, are you really questioning yourself?

bigmouth said...

I'm dying.

Can we get a visual description of this girl?

Anonymous said...


she went M.I.A. -- she walked outside on her phone a bit ago and no one can find her. Escalera and the librarians (ALL OF THEM) are on the hunt. she better watch out!

Anonymous said...

I just saw her --- she's hiding in the tank with david blaine...

Anonymous said...

maybe she went to get another coffee?

Anonymous said...

She is wearing a long-sleeved Duke sweatshirt

Anonymous said...

I hope she's not getting a hot coffee. That would burn the next librarian who gets in her way.

Anonymous said...

I hope she's not getting a hot coffee. That would burn the next librarian who gets in her way.

Anonymous said...

uh oh---i hope she didnt go....


Anonymous said...

The chief librariean is getting all of her stuff now. What is going on?

Anonymous said...

larry (not the hot one) the librarian is currently taking her stuff out of her carrell.

i guess having the yellow caution sign behind the carell is like a big scarlet A.

Anonymous said...

I think she needs to call Cardozo or Brooklyn ASAP to see if they'll admit her.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was just outrageous of me to ask people to shut up - because people hysterically crying and getting in trouble is soooooooooooooo hilarious. Us bleeding-hearts have no space for humour in these situations - sorry folks. Won't do it again...

Anonymous said...

For the record, there is no hot librarian. I know who you're referring to as the hot librarian, and he's not hot.

Anonymous said...

We should all support the Patriot Act. It was meant to prevent things like this

Anonymous said...

who is the hot librarian? who? who? seriously, who?

Anonymous said...

"Fame is vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing. Only one thing endures and that is character ." --Horace Greely

unfortunately among the current fordham communnity she will always be known as the coffee girl. at least until she starts working anyway. if a partner at my firm asked me about her I would definitely let him know about her scene in the library.

Anonymous said...

um...he's definitely hot.

Anonymous said...

he's totally hot. in fact i think he's dreamy.

Anonymous said...

he's hot, but i think he may be gay

fishwatch said...

yeah I'm pretty sure anonymous 11:23am and anonymous 8:03PM are boys so don't worry we know.

Anonymous said...

I go to Brooklyn Law, and you can keep her, we already have enough stressed out princesses!

Anonymous said...

You want to see some hot guys? Go to the support techs upstairs!

Anonymous said...

Although many may think that this is the offshoot of the superficial nature of todays society, these studies have shown surgery this has always been the case through humanitys history.

Anonymous said...

...for the record, coffee girl is HOTTT....she's so sexy, like she's by far one of the cutest girl at fordham...and the whole spitefire crazy thing is kind of a i'd imagine that she's rough and a freak in bed...i LOVE HER...she's in one of my classes....