We have already seen the implications of LibraryIcedCoffeeMeltDown5/3/06. Security at the front door was incredibly tight today coming back in from lunch. They actually made JF take her ID out of her wallet and looked at it. My backpack was given the extra eye by Library personnel. (Admittedly, it had a sandwich and carrot/apple/orange/grapefruit juice from lunchbox in it - it's delicious). The Faculty has been instructed by the higher ups at Rose Hill to wear stain proof clothes and lock doors when inside their offices. Students have been advised to take plenty of echinacea. The PIRC has evacuated all non-essential volunteers.
By now we have all realized that this is going to be the new day we refer to as the day that changed things, like "Ever since 5/3/06, I just can't bring myself to eat sashimi," and "ever since IcedCoffeeMeltdown my ambien just hasn't been working." At least we still have sushi and lunesta.
check out the new sign that adorns the free coffee containers in the cafteria - "Not For Throwing" - haha...
I heard the girl who threw the coffee is the same 1L who brawled with the other 1L at the Hudson Hotel over Hillel Bavli.
Go figure.
wow, your blog made my day. this is the funniest shyet ever.
This is NOT the same girl as was in the fight - but it is her roommate...
Wait...someone explain to me about this fight over Hillel Bavli. He's really hot.
2 1Ls fought over Hillel after the gala. It was a true catfight. I guess one of the girls had claimed him b/c she smokes with him outside and the other was making a move. I heard he wasn't interested in either.
Anyway, it turns out one of them is our favorite coffee girl's roommate. I guess crazy 1Ls come in packs of two.
And Hillel is not hot. New Library Larry, however, is.
update on coffee gir's friendster profile:
"This user's profile is not available."
WOW! defriendstering is NOT to be taken lightly.
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