MPQ1 had a really nice and relaxing weekend at the beach house -- he got along really well with his housemates and even got in some quality pool time. He is pretty sad to be back, but at the same time is hoping to start feeling useful at some point this week, since he really has had nothing to do over the past week or so. Here are some pics of his weekend that he asked us to share.
Looking out at the beach, hoping to catch a glimpse of small birds or maybe even a deer.
"New York Essay Testing Volume is so jealers right now."
"Hey Guys! Watch this, watch this!"
Luckily there are no cars on the Island so he didn't have to worry about drinking and driving.
With us, however, the housemates were less forgiving. "The test is in September, right?" "No, actually it's at the end of July," we said. "Ooooooo, yikes" they responded.
Not exactly what we wanted to hear.
Looks like MPQ1 was more productive than some of us that stayed in the city this weekend!
MPQ1 looks so much hotter with a tan!
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