In these trying economic times of rising fuel costs, many people around the country have eschewed their hummers and Range Rovers and opted for more economic vehicles including the Yaris or Prius and such as. Much like these economically and environmentally conscious citizens, many Bar takers have thought long and hard about the size of the flashcards they created and used to study for this miserable little test. Some hoped the economy would stabilize or decided to ignore the bad signs. Others planned ahead and saved money and trees by going small. Very small.
We begin our expose with those who have decidedly chosen against economy and green-ness, and have retained larger than life flashcards for their larger than life personas.

Despite his Canadian roots, CG has basically said "F. you" to the environment and cost-consciousness as he travels around the study area flaunting these monstrous 4x6 flashcards, leaving many Bar takers to wonder how sustainable such practices really are.

Maybe the strength of the Canadian dollar helped this decision?
(Yes that is a NANO)...
In addition to making our lives miserable with books and books of impossible questions, PMBR also chose to make some people's daily lives difficult - those who were lucky enough to get their hands on them had to carry around these gi-normous flashcards, (note: also with impossible questions)...

And weren't silver hoops so SAT vocab circa 1998?
FishWatch himself went for a more middle ground option, with the standard 3x5 flashcards, balancing cost, environmental friendliness, and the need to pack in as much info as humanly possible on each since we made so few...

Notice the coffee stains on "Antenuptual Agreements,"
which we see as bad sign for our future...

And yes, our Nano screen did crack...
JH cut his 3x5 cards in half (we know because he complains about the paper cutting machine in the supply room non-stop). But we cannot make too much fun, since he lets us borrow these sometimes, and they easily fit in shirt pockets and Uniqlo skinny jeans back pockets for when you want to do some on your way to Beige, and then put them away before any normal people see you...

And they are color-coordinated! Great work, JH.


We may never know what a Holder in Due Course is,
but at least we can look good learning.
Finally, SB (née T) sent in some photos of her tiny cards - 3x5's cut in 1/4ths!!! This is really forward thinking, b/c they can easily be turned into earrings or pendants after the exam.

Mind you, those are the small binder clips...

Believe it or not, that Goyard bag is full of these little puppies...
We wish all of you good luck this final weekend - flashcard users and non-users alike. If you see any flashcard users out on the streets this weekend - please do send in pics as we are interested to see how they hold up against the elements.