So as you probably heard by now, the New York Court of Appeals
denied the gays the right to marry. The rather weak arguments are ones we've heard before: "Leave it to the legislature!" "It's better for the children!" "No tradition of gay marriage!" "No long history of discrimination!" "No one wants to see a grown man in Vera Wang!" Chief Judge Kaye's dissent is just the right opinion on this matter - y'all should read it and spread the gospel.
Click Here for the docs.
The big question now is what do I do with the "
Marriage is Gay" t-shirt I spent 20$ on?
In other news, Round One of Moo Court Oral Args is over, and the highlight was when my opponent complimented the lovely knots on my new Thomas Pink french cuff shirt (a lovely b-day gift from lovely friends), to which I responded, "You have to dress for the holding you want." Maybe the gays before the Court of Appeals forgot that?
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